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CPP May Hold Nearly 10,000 Commune Seats While Candlelight Party May Hold More Than 2,000 Seats

PHNOM PENH: Early forecasts show that the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) will likely hold control over the majority of commune seats, with more than 9,000 seats, followed by the Candlelight Party, with more than 2,000 seats. This is according to reports on the observation of the vote count, which began on the afternoon of Sunday, 5 June.

Out of the 17 parties competing for seats in the 5th Mandate Commune/Sangkat Council election, only 9 parties won Council seats, as stated in the unofficial results. From the total number of seats available, the CPP might have won the majority, with approximately 9,339 seats, the Candlelight Party, with 2,192 seats, FUNCINPEC with approximately 19 seats, Khmer United National Party with approximately 13 seats, Grassroots Democrat Party with approximately 6 seats, Cambodian Nation Love Party with approximately 5 seats, Cambodian Youth Party with approximately 3 seats, and the Kampucheaniyum Party and Beehive Social Democratic Party with approximately one seat each.

The 5th Mandate Commune/Sangkat Council Election 2022 was held on Sunday, 5 June, with 17 political parties participating in total. These parties competed to hold 11,622 commune council seats from 1,652 Communes and Districts nationwide. More than 7.1 million people went to vote, out of the 9.2 million registered voters. 

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